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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 Glory's Eyes (by Beppe Andriano)
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Inserito - 09/08/2004 :  22:21:38  Mostra Profilo  Visita la Homepage di Admin  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Admin
Four days I grazed those eyes, walking on that absurd moquette 7 cm high, every time I crossed her path and invisibly I smiled her...
all my colleagues realized how my sight-seeing with customers happened to unavoidably pass close to the Service Support stand where she was the angel dressed as an hostess...
four days I have not been able to say more than some not audible
"hi" or "ciao".. but at dawn of the fourth day you smiled and while not realizing that I was part of the staff you invited me to follow the interesting presentation for which you were that angel...
then your eyes - your fantastic eyes - rested on my Sony pass and suddenly smiling again you said to me a deeply sweet "Sorry"...
as to apologize because you made punctually the job for which you were there.. and I did not resist anymore.

I approached you and began the longest speech I ever made in English .. I am sure that nearly 90% of it was not even English .. but you appeared to understand all the same, I wish to believe that it has not been only duty and politeness.. then I owned I am shy.. really shy... but you did not believe me.. none so shy would have said what I said about your eyes and about there had been days I stared at you not being able to came close..
so invisible to appear to you as a customer...and still it is true that I am shy and I was shy but I could not wait some days more.. it was my last.. and I wanted you to know that I enjoyed your sweet company even if you did not know about me..
I wanted to tell you and thus I told you..

Your eyes are wonderful Glory .. for they are the mirror of your soul. I hope that next year we shall be again colleagues for four days .. and I promise you that since the first day I will greet you and I will bring for you copy of this tale so that you will remember what happened one year before … which is a few days ago..

And the first one who is suggesting that I stared at other parts of the body of Glory too… he will have to deal with me…


A big thanks to Roberto for the fantastic english translation

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