The first day of bread
da : Concerto di Sogni
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Autore Tema: Angelica Calo Livne
The first day of bread Fondation Bereshit LaShalom N. 580425767 I will give you rain in due season, so that the land will bear its crops, and the trees their fruit; your threshing will last till vintage time, and your vintage till the time for sowimg, The 1st of June 2005 It is a small step to continue His Creation and to follow His commandments…until He gives his blessing: All participents wanting to join us on this special day must send an e-mail with the following information: Name, Surname, Address, E-mail address, Tel No or Cell No and I.D. Number. Persons without contacting us before the event cannot participate Fondation Bereshit LaShalom N. 580425767 The bread of Peace Day Samar Sahhar –Lazarus Home for Girls. 13:00- Performance: Preparation and distribution of the Bread . 17:00- Conclusion The event is sponsored by: Angelica Calň Livnč
Inserito il:
15/05/2005 23:24:19
Kibbutz Sasa +972-4-6988694 mail: Lazarus Home for girls Bethany + 972-2- 2790192
and you will have food to eat in abundance
I will establish peace in the land, that you may lie down to rest without anxiety. I will rid the country of ravenous beasts, and keep the sword of war from sweeping across your land.
(Leviticus 26, 4-6)
It will take place in Bethany
At 11:00 o’clock in the morning 50 Israeli women will pass the check point to meet 50 Palestinian women in front of the bakery of Samar Sahhar of Bethany, they will bake and divide
The bread of peace.
And the sword will not pass through your land!
In different cities of Italy many ovens will be laid out in the streets so that passers by will bake bread and at the same time many mothers will bake bread in the children schools as we do it in Bethany.
Israeli participants address your letters to Angelica Edna Calo' Livne'- Bereshit LeShalom
Palestinian participants address your letters to Samar Sahhar- Lazarus Home
Transport: Kibbutz Sasa - 06:30 - Dinning Room .
Haifa- 08:00 – Egged Central Bus Station.
Tel Aviv- 09:30 – Alrozorov Central Train Center.
Jerusalem- 11:00 – French Hill Shopping Center.
Kibbutz Sasa +972-4-6988694 mail: Lazarus Home for girls Bethany + 972-2- 2790192
Program of the event:
12:30- Greetings:
Mario Mauro –Vice President Euro Parliament.
Mr. - The Head of the Local Council of Bethany
Prof. Yuli Tamir –Member of the Israeli Knesset.
Angelica Edna Calo' Livne`- Bereshit LeShalom Foundation.
Short part of the performance of " Bereshit" of the "Arcobaleno Theater" – a vision about Dialogue and Coexistence.
Music and Dance in front of the Charlie's Bakery.
The Euro Parliament
The City of Parma – Italy
The City of Fidenza – Italy
The City of Piacenza - Italy
The City of Novate Milanese – Italy
Ponte Azzurro Foundation
Aradi Associazione Romana Amici di Israele - Rome
Assipan Associazione Italiana Panificatori - Roma
Concerto di Sogni :
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