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Lezioni Web: Chi ha un sito?

Stampato da : Concerto di Sogni
Stampato il: 22/12/2024


Autore Tema: Admin
Oggetto: Lezioni Web: Chi ha un sito?
Inserito il: 09/04/2004 19:54:10

Siete interessati a conoscere e dialogare di come si rende un sito interessante, funzionale, leggibile e diciamo "di successo" ? se si rispondente a questo messaggio e iniziaremo un percorso tra le varie tecniche e le varie idee che possono aiutarvi a far funzionare meglio i vostri siti personali.. sempre secondo un punto di vista molto "concertodisogni"

Aspettiamo le vostre eventuali adesioni per partire,


Topic author: ophelja
Replied on: 10/04/2004 11:37:30


Mi prenoto pur non avendone uno. Ma "mai dire mai"....

A che ora poi facciamo la ricreazione?


Topic author: Daniella
Replied on: 10/04/2004 22:17:17

Beppe,ho un sito personale e sono disposta a seguire i tuoi consigli e suggerimenti. Non so se lo hai già visionato, se così fosse vorrei sapere il tuo parere, se c'è bisogno di correzzioni o aggiunte. Ti ringrazio Daniella

Daniella P.

Topic author: detective Hayes
Replied on: 11/04/2004 00:01:28

Anch'io sono presente all'appello!!!
Sono pronta, carta e penna... cioè tastiera e mouse...

Fatemi sapere!!

Un sorriso, Titty

Topic author: Admin
Replied on: 23/04/2004 00:02:36

Allora iniziamo...

Topic author: Admin
Replied on: 24/04/2004 10:30:10

Come misurare il successo di un sito?

Esistono diversi programmi:
Uno è quello offerto dai vari motori di statistiche (shinystat, itastat, altri sono quelli offerti dall'analisi automatica tipo quella offerta da Alexa/amazon e poi ci sono quelli deduttivi tipo matricsmarket ( ) che stima il numero di sessioni nel mese.

Come possiamo interpretare questi dati?

Topic author: Admin
Replied on: 28/04/2004 00:16:21

Pagerank : google sotto attacco

"The heart of our software is PageRank." This quote, from Google's PageRank description page, contradicts opinions and hypothesis posted on forums, blogs and articles around the web. One search developer even called PageRank "a silly idea in practice." Evidence points to Google not using "classic PageRank" in their algorithm at all these days, and many consider it all but dead.

So what's really happening under the hood of the most searched engine? Share your PageRank speculations in WebProWorld.

First let's take a look at some of the assembled evidence that points to the possible abandonment of Google's classic "system for ranking web pages."

Daniel Brandt, Google-Watch creator, pointed out that the monthly crawl update cycle, which he believes was related to PageRank, "stopped 12 months ago."

"This crawling pattern," he said, "characterized Google from at least 2000 to April, 2003, but it hasn't happened that way for the last 12 months."

Another indicator that "classic PageRank" is no longer a part of Google's algorithm is, "in the last year there has been much more emphasis on, and rapid turn-around for, fresh content. Anything that is fresh cannot be assigned an accurate PageRank, because for the classic PageRank formula, the entire web has to be calculated at the same point in time."

Brandt also mentioned that, "the toolbar has been showing somewhat erratic PageRank values for the last year. The backlinks shown by Google have also been erratic. There is very little consistency between the number of backlinks shown and the PageRank value shown on the toolbar."

"The phenomenon of Google bombing," said Brandt, "shows that anchor text in links is much more important than the mere fact of a link itself. The classic PageRank formula had nothing to do with either page content or anchor text. It was a score that was precomputed, and available before the content of the page or anchor text was even considered."

Make your content pay.

Fathom, a well established SEO contributor to forums around the web, said, "to see 'value' in any attribute, technique or tactic you simply cannot look at any individiual components and say 'that one works' and use that one to gain advantage, that's simply foolish and PageRank Development fits in this category."

Matt Wells, former Infoseek developer and creator of the Gigiblast search engine (profiled here) is not at all impressed with PageRank.

"...It doesn't work. Well, it works, but no better than the simple link and link text analysis methods employed by the other engines. I know this because we implemented our own version at Infoseek and didn't see a whole lot of difference."

Wells further discouted the value of PageRank to Google's success: "I do not think Google's success is due that much to its PageRank algorithm. It certainly touts that as a big deal, but it's really just marketing hype."

He also claimed PageRank didn't even start with Google: "the idea predated Google in IBM's CLEVER project [a search engine developed at the IBM Almaden Computer Science Research Center], so it's not even Google's, after all."

"PageRank," Matt concluded, "is just a silly idea in practice, but it is beautiful mathematically. ...and because it is so much work, Google appears not to be updating its PageRank values that much."

Mike Grehan, of eMarketing News, finds PageRank outdated. "PageRank was a breakthrough idea when it was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin as two students back in 1997, as was Jon Kleinberg's HITS. But search technology has moved on considerably."

Grehan, in his interview with Jon Glick, search manager at Yahoo, also spoke on PageRank obsession. "I always wonder about this whole PageRank thing and the amount of importance that the whole search engine marketing community places on it. I have my own view of PageRank hysteria and believe that it's, perhaps, much like the story of the Emperors New Clothes. I don't use the tool bar for that purpose at all."

So if PageRank is less of a factor (or not a factor) in Google's algorithm now then how should a webmaster change his seo techniques? I'll leave you with a thought from Fathom:

"If you really want online success in Google, think about customers and how to attract them, develop for them, cater to them, and find others who share that methodology (in plain english: more 'unique' content and different approaches to display that content and linkage that extends that content 'both ways') and Google will reward you. Shortcutting this -- Google consistently won't."

If you'd like to read informed speculation about the value of PageRank in Google's algorithm please read "Weight of Pagerank?" You can read Fathom's complete quote there too. Thanks to Daniel Brandt for this post, which got this article rolling.

Garrett French + The WebProNews Team

Topic author: ophelja
Replied on: 28/04/2004 14:26:57

La donna, trafelata perchè in leggero ritardo, apre la porta, si guarda intorno, legge (!) -cerca di leggere - quello che c'è scritto sulla lavagna e, colta da improvvisa crisi di panico, esclama:

"Ma dove avete nascosto l'aula delle lezioni per un sito web?"


Topic author: Beppe Andrianò
Replied on: 03/05/2004 08:41:55

Continuiamo con i suggerimenti o gli stimoli sparsi.. mi rendo conto che molte delle cose scritte qui possano non essere coerenti con il concetto di lezione.. ci sono mille siti che spiegano come si fa una pagina web o un sito.. ma nessuno di questi lancia semi.. questo spazio vorrebbe lanciare semi di riflessione a chi ha gia' seguito altri percorsi.

Beppe Andrianò

Topic author: Admin
Replied on: 05/05/2004 00:57:36

Un paio di programmi abbastanza utili:
Controlla quante e quali parole sono le piu' ricorrenti in una specifica pagina di un sito
Controlla quante pagine di altri siti sono linkate al tuo. Un numero alto costituisce un buon metodo per far salire il tuo page rank (indicatore di livello) di google.

Topic author: Admin
Replied on: 02/06/2004 09:46:53

HTML? Boring!
By Keith Bryan (c) 2004

One of the first things I remember thinking when I started into the world of online marketing is "Hmmm, I wonder if I can really do this? I don't know any Html or java". I was a bit worried to say the least! How could I compete with the "big" internet companies when I didn't even know how to make a word appear in bold? "I'm dead meat" I thought.
I had it in my mind that I was "finished" before I even really got started!

So how important is knowing how to program when trying to make monëy online? Well, nowadays it's becoming increasingly common to meet webmasters that have little or no knowledge of Html or java. Honestly, although I currently know much more than I did when I first started I still wouldn't consider myself a "programmer". I wouldn't even say I really know what I'm doing all that much. Sure, today I can make a word bolded...... yep, I can make things scroll on a page..... I even know how to do those nifty mouseover effects...... but I'm hardly an expert!
So why keep reading? Because I was exactly like 95% percent of people trying to make monëy online! Probably just like you are right now.
One thing I learned quickly with online business is that all these "gurus" weren't really trying to help..... they were most likely just trying to teach you just enough to do average. (Why would they want competition?)
So here's some tips...... (to all the little guys...... from a little guy)
1. Learn Html -- I know..... I promised no programming right? You don't have to be an expert, but at least learn the basics. Below are a few sites that might help......
HTML Basics 101

Would you vacation in Romania without learning Romanian (at least a little)? No! So why do the online equivalent? Learn the basics!
2. Invest in a web design program -- It doesn't really matter which one you buy but get something. Microsoft FrontPage is decent for beginners. Dreamweaver is better but is a little tough for newbies. The main two reasons for getting web design software are.....
a. so you don't have to type
<p align="center"><img src="" width="103" height="50"></p> for every picture! Talk about a quick way to losë interest in your business! and....
b. so you can use templates! which brings me to my next point......
3. Use Templates! -- Yes, great, ok, uh huh........ Some web designers will tell you that templates are cheating. I say that anything I can use to focus on my business instead of my Html I fully support! The great thing about templates is that you can focus on adding content to your site and not worry about how to get picture 'A' in space 'T' using Html. Choose one that you feel will fit the theme of your site (i.e. if you have a flower site don't choose the "medieval" template). Templates range from frëe to hundreds of dollars...... I have seen these quality sites with great templates....... but look around and see what You like. (this one is a full content management system)

4. Use frëe scripts -- There are many sites out there that have frëe Html and java scripts that you are welcome to use. Most authors just ask that you give them credït. Below are a few of them......

5. Know your colors! -- Pick a color scheme and stick with it. There's nothing that screams "I'm new at this!" more than every page being different colors randomly. If you don't know how to change colors go back to:
Another handy tool for reference is:
6. Link Every Page Home -- Every page in your site should have a link to your main page. Remember, search engines index pages inside your site too..... if a visitor finds your site from one of these pages don't leave them stranded! Link Home.
7. Help Others -- "The web helps those who help others" is so very true. Help other people do well and you too will do well. Know when to offer advice and when to receive it. (I know it has nothing to do with Html but I'd thought I'd mention it.)
That's it for now. Of course these are only some of the basic tips for starting out. You will naturally learn more as you get into running your business.... use your newly acquired knowledge as you learn it and soon you will be beating all the "big dogs".

Have Fun!
About The Author
Keith Bryan is the owner of a site dedicated to teaching the little guy how to compete in the world of online business. For more tips visit: He is also a proud team leader in SFI home business. Chëck it out at: SFI Marketing Group.

Topic author: Admin
Replied on: 02/06/2004 09:50:07

How To Research Keywords
For Search Engine Marketing
By Dan J. Fry, (c) 2003-2004
All rights reserved.

The core element of any type of marketing utilizing the search engines is the keyword. Why is it so important? In terms of general marketing principles keyword search is equivalent to targeting a niche. It can help you focus your advertisements on certain key areas that will already have an interest in what you are offering.
Targeting proper keywords or key phrases, groups of 2 to 5 keywords, is the way to market successfully with pay-per-click search engines and obtain high ranking in search engine indexes. It is a rather arduous task, but one that can yield massive returns in ranking, traffïc, and salës if done correctly.

So where do I start?
Many frëe resources exist to research which keywords you should target. The two deciding factors are the number of searches performed on a particular keyword or key phrase, and the number of sites currently targeting these. It's nothing more than supply and demand.
The premiere pay-per-click search engine that previously supplied search results to several major search engines, is now on its own. Their frëe search tool can be found at: Search results are displayed only for the previous month. This should be sufficient. The internet changes so quickly that what happened 6 months ago is not of much importance. What makes Overture's tool king in my view is that it provides hard numbers on how often a phrase was searched, allowing you to directly compare with the number of sites targeting each phrase.
Google Suggestion
Google has their own keyword suggestion tool. If you have an Adwords account then you are already familiar with this resource. This tool also provides related keyword information. It provides synonyms that might be used to target areas relatively untouched by others.
This PPC engine is steadily gaining in popularity. I have used it in the past to build my subscriber base and saw modest results. To use their keyword tool simply create a frëe account and log on. Then clïck on "Edit Bids" and go to "Keyword Suggestions".
This search engine provides related search results and keyword suggestions in the results returned to the searcher. It can open up new avenues of keywords and phrases not thought about before. This resource can be found at
Web Host Statistics
Unless your site is frëe (i.e. a frëe several page site through your ISP) you will most probably have site statistics. Have a look. My service is through StartLogic. The statistics are compiled through AWStats, which by the way is a frëe program for analyzing web site access. When I log into the server, I can view the statistics using AWStats. It also shows me which keywords and key phrases people are using to find my site. One great advantage I have found with this method is that you can come up with keyword ideas that you would have nevër thought about. Because people are finding you with these keywords the search engines must have you indexed.

Online Dictionary and Thesaurus
Well, you may have wanted to stay away from them in school, but, crack them open. These can provide you with additional ideas to then use in Overture, 7Search, etc..
This service is packed with many rich features to assist in keyword research. It starts at $6US per day. For $225US annually you are frëe to use it as much as needed. There is also a frëe version which does not have many of the extended features. I, however, recommend starting with this version. It will give you a taste of how it works.
Use this resource to investigate how much traffïc a site is receiving. You cannot research individual keywords and keyphrases.
As a final note put the required time into researching keywords and key phrases prior to submitting your site or starting a PPC campaign. Otherwise you are feeling around in the dark trying to find your niche. It is time expensive but not so for your wallet. This bodes well for online home businesses where time is usually not a concern.
For more information on keyword research I suggest checking out They offer a lot of advice on search engine marketing.
About The Author
Dan J. Fry is an independent researcher and owner of, a site devoted to providing resources for small budget home businesses. He has a PhD in Physics and is married with two daughters and two cats. Subscribe to his frëe E-Zine on home business resources at or by visiting his Home Business Resources and Tips site. He can be reached at .

Nota del redattore:
In aggiunta ai siti citati in qusta sezione vi consigliamo il servzio offerto da adsense di google (motore pubblicitario)

Oppure questo servizio offerto da
Molto interessante perche' permette di vedere quali parole stiamo presentando ai motori di ricerca.

Oppure se volete vedere i primi 50 termini cercati su Lycos..

Oppure la stessa cosa con Yahoo ed il suo servizio buzz

Questi lanci sono facili da fare se usi la barra di

Date un occhiata anche a cosa dicono delle community online..

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