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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
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Rebecca Neale

United Kingdom
18 Inseriti
100 Gold
23 Punti Rep.
Inserito - 03/01/2005 :  22:52:25  Mostra Profilo  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Rebecca Neale
This was written for someone I love when they lost someone they loved.

If I could change this recent time
You have to know I would.
I see the pain you suffer
And it makes me wish I could.

It’s hard to understand right now,
And hard to let it go,
The memory of their passing
Seems unjust to you, I know.

I try to understand your thoughts,
Of how you must be feeling,
I think your heart, and mind will,
Need a little healing.

I know that you view dying
In a different way to me,
Believing that once we’re gone,
In the ground we stay buried.

But I prefer to see it as
Passing to somewhere new,
Where everything is beautiful
And created in your view.

This place is possibly another world,
Or perhaps another plane,
But in this place there’s nothing bad
And you don’t feel sick or pain.

You may think it’s easier
To have this point of view,
But you really have no reason
To believe it is untrue.

So I say to you this moment
Is but a passing phase,
There’s plenty more you’ll see of him
To have more happy days.

Granddad will be watching,
While probably sad to leave
Relieved of his pain and suffering
Finally able to breath.

He’ll be waiting for his family
To join him once again
And watch over you one by one
Each day and until then.

By Rebecca Neale

Edited by - rebecca neale on 03/01/2005 22:57:55

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Tema When will you leave? 
Tema The Time Is Now
Tema Introducing me
Tema The World
Tema How Small Am I?
Tema In May 
Tema That Place
Tema You
Tema Just being me
Tema My Dream
Tema Moments
Tema Azrael, death energy & the Westgate
Tema Incorniciato <b>In the mirror</b>
Tema Incorniciato Time
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