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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 Come, let's dance
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Roberto Mahlab

2869 Inseriti
296 Gold
2474 Punti Rep.
Inserito - 10/11/2013 :  11:26:17  Mostra Profilo  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Roberto Mahlab
Wait, I am standing back
I am not following you, I stopped
you are talking about others, about how they feel bad
about how you listen to them, because you feel bad too

but it's me here, it seems that you are not out with me
it comes to my mind how it is strange that men
pour their despair on your shoulders, rather than make you laugh
and invite you to dance

we are not here together, the two of us
I am here with them, not with you
you mirror and carry their words
you are them, it is not you here with me

it is like as if they were talking to me,
and you used my shoulders to let them cry over me
and so you do not see me, you will never think about me
you will not notice that you were out with me

I will remain a fading shadow and when I will call you
you will not remember who I am
and you will tell me that you do not recognize me
and rather you may be surprised that my heart beats for you

and that is why I decided to be here with you
me and not them
and I will make you dance, here, come,
I know that there is no music and that we are in the middle of a street

I will hold you gently, follow my steps
you are surprised, even I did not expect it
but it is the only way to bring you back with me
let's turn slowly, you are aware of me now

see, I do not really know how to dance
but I lead you the same
behold, it is a way to talk to you about me
to make you feel that it is me here with you

behold, I know so much about you
through the stories of people you told me
I realize that you know very little about me
our time in common was occupied

though now you think I'm crazy
it is a madness that makes you smile
and you are smiling for me
you are listening to me

look, as our steps are moving together
what a mystery, perhaps do you know how to dance?
here, tell me if you know how to dance?
and I'll tell you about me

Roberto Mahlab

(A Lovely Revolution)

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Tema Incorniciato La Notte del Ricercatore e ... del ricercato
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Tema Ci voleva un ispettore dell'Inps
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