8 Inseriti
100 Gold
13 Punti Rep. |
Inserito - 07/04/2003 : 03:03:58
Beppe,Sono Laura, anche se il mio italiano e comprensibile qui posso parlare nella mia lingua nativa. I think that this site is truly wonderful. Now, thanks to you Beppe, anyone from anywhere throughout the world can partake in this remarkable site, where friendships are made and feelings are shared. This is what mass communication is about. Today there are so many communicative outlets that one can use, internet, cellular telephones, satellite television, and yet it seems that our society has never been so cold and out of touch. Concerto di sogno has allowed me to interact with people who are literally across an ocean, and it has reassured me that sincere and genuine people still exist. Thank you again Beppe, Laura