1 Inseriti
100 Gold
6 Punti Rep. |
Inserito - 18/05/2003 : 22:55:44
]This is something writen from me ,about me,to ""concertodisogni". E' stato un piacere.ciao.AMIS Peru Darkness. I'm sitting comfortable into somewhere near peru.I'm totally drunk of ideas,symptoms and facts.one more.Creating...I'm not sure if it id true.What is true?some leaves gently telling me to shut up.I can do that.Rotating all around,meeting air,all over.Even here.I would preferably try.It is so beautiful in here Peru.I'm exploring it to you. And I take it.It's mine. Darkness without moon.Leaves in the sky.They're totally grey.Even black sometimes.No one.No thing exept it.Calm.Pure.Random.true?Do I ? I,for sure...I'm not sure.I'm here sorrounded by Peru.Magic conclusion separating me from the rest of ...Lonely.Not only. something more than just it. I have the sun inside to hide the moon.The moon is hidden thought I'm injured though.Decided extremely to go.A little far from Peru.he is so beautiful.Just a little.Harming too.Exhasted,sitting nearby Peru.I've never been to Peru.I'm in love.