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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 The World
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Rebecca Neale

United Kingdom
18 Inseriti
100 Gold
23 Punti Rep.
Inserito - 09/05/2004 :  11:37:40  Mostra Profilo  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a Rebecca Neale
The World

A mountain peak
Touching the clouds
The immense Sun
Its warmth reaching for miles
The bright stars
Twinkling with pride
The colossal moon
Lighting the night
The vast Ocean
Stretching to the horizon
A man made shuttle
Breaking the ozone
A towering waterfall
Creating a rainbow
A great swimming whale
Conquering below
A forceful river
Feeding the lake
The huge open sky
Changing from night to day
An elephant wandering
Its existence a feat
The spinning Earth
Its environment unique.

By Rebecca Neale

Clicca qui per la scheda generale dell'autore
Altri testi dello stesso autore
Tema When will you leave? 
Tema The Time Is Now
Tema Introducing me
Tema The World
Tema How Small Am I?
Tema In May 
Tema That Place
Tema You
Tema Just being me
Tema My Dream
Tema Moments
Tema Azrael, death energy & the Westgate
Tema Incorniciato <b>In the mirror</b>
Tema Incorniciato Time
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