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Remember Nassiriya : Appendete una bandiera ai vostri monitor Concert of the World: English Version

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 12 Concert of the World
 everybody wants to be somebody else
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14 Inseriti
100 Gold
19 Punti Rep.
Inserito - 09/09/2004 :  05:17:15  Mostra Profilo  Visita la Homepage di nubedimare  Replica con Citazione Invia un Messaggio Privato a nubedimare
I think that nothing is casual, never. There is a reason because different people is born in different places and situations, different times and colour of the skin, in this or that family. The farm worker dreams to have a bigger factory, the one with the big factory lives by his own, and dreams to be married, the one with the big factory and the wife hates the country life and he would really like to be a rich and famous lawyer that lives in a big skyscraper in the middle of New York.
Talking about the little every day things (because the problems always start little and then become big…here why are the little things need to be adjusted first!) we see blonde girls, that love dark hair, and back. Someone has straight hair? If only I could have curly hair! They are sure, “if only I could have this or that, if only I could be different, I would be happy”, but who has what they dream wants more.
Here the society, that doesn’t teach to the people to accept themselves, but on the contrary encourage people to change themselves, that changes will make them feel better, that changes will cancel defects and make them happy people.
Everybody wants to be someone else because nobody has never tried to teach that “each person that comes birth is an absolute singularity that represents an unforeseen event in the world” (by Hannah Harendt).
Is a lot easier to spend the all life envying people because they have something more, or wasting the time trying to be someone else, to pretend to be the victim of the world, because born in the wrong family, at the wrong time, in the wrong place.
What should be right would be trying to change what hamper the good relationship with the people around us, but in ourselves and not stealing the dress of my friend because seeing her wearing that dress makes me jealous and hamper our friendship!
People are like a big garden with different types of flours, it would be a pity to lose also just one of that colours and perfumes, because the beauty is in the different, in the shades and not in the uniformity.


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