Inserito - 12/11/2004 : 01:19:11
fonti: Sources: Holocaust Memorial Center 6602 West Maple Road West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Tel. (248)6610840 Fax. (248)6614204 Yad Vashem U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum The Joric Center Courtesy of: "Encyclopedia of the Holocaust" ©1990 Macmillan Publishing Company New York, NY 10022 KRISTALLNACHT
Kristallnacht was the name given to the first major attack on the Jewish population of Germany and Austria,on November 9-10, 1938. Both the SS and general population participated in burning hundreds of synagogues,shops, and houses. Thirty thousand Jews were arrested and deported. Strong protests from the West had no effect on Nazi policy.
********************************************************************** -La Notte dei Cristalli era il nome dato al primo massiccio attacco alla popolazione Ebraica della Germania e dell'Austria, il 9.10 novembre 1938. Sia le SS e la maggioranza della popolazione parteciparono alla distruzione di centinaia di sinagoghe, negozi e case. 30000 Ebrei furono arrestati e deportati. Nemmeno le vibrate proteste dell'Occidente, ebbero effetto sulle azioni dei nazisti. ******************************************************** A Pogrom in Germany and Austria ("Crystal Night" or "Night of the Broken Glass"), pogrom conducted throughout Germany and Austria on November 9 and 10, 1938. It was officially presented as a spontaneous outburst provoked by the assassination of the third secretary of the German embassy in Paris, Ernst vom Rath, by a seventeen - year - old Polish Jew, Herschel Grynszpan. ************************************************* -La Notte dei Cristalli o la Notte dei Vetri Rotti, fu un pogrom che si svolse attraverso la Germania ed austria il 9 e 10 novembre 1938. Fu ufficialmente presentato come una reazione spontanea provocata dall'assassinio del 3 segretario dell'ambasciata Tedesca a Parigi,Ernst vom Rath, da un 17nne Ebreo Polacco, Herschel Grynzpan,per vendicare la deportazione della sua famiglia dalla Germania alla Polonia. ************************************** foto rv001- Grynszpan assassinated a German diplomat in protest of his family's deportation from Germany to Poland. His action provided the Nazis with a pretext for the nationwide pogrom known as Kristallnacht. The name Kristallnacht comes from Kristallglas (beveled plate glass) and refers to the broken shop windows of Jewish stores. The riots came as the culmination of assaults made upon the Jews in Germany and Austria following the anschluss in March 1938, in which almost all elements of the Nazi regime had participated.
********************************************* -Il nome Kristallnacht deriva Kristallglas (stoviglie rotte) e si riferische alle distruzioni dei vetri del negozi e magazzini degli Ebrei. Fu il risultato delle continue aggressioni contro gli Ebrei in Germania ed Austria, in seguito all'annessione nel Marzo 1938, durante la quale la maggioranza degli appartenenti al regime nazi prese parte. ****************************************** foto rv002- Heavy smoke poured out of the synagogue windows during Kristallnacht, a Nazi pogrom during which the Nazis destroyed Jewish businesses, synagogues and homes, throughout Germany ad Austria.
foto rv003- This was one of many Jewish synagogues and properties damaged during the nationwide Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) pogrom. Kristallnacht served as a warning to the Jews that they were unwanted in Germany or Austria. ************************************** -Kristallnacht fu un avvertimento per gli Ebrei, che erano indesiderati in Germania e Austria *******************************************
foto rv004- After the Kristallnacht riots, Jews throughout Germany were arrested on trumped-up charges. Some were sent to concentration camps, where they remained under harsh conditions
foto rb005- Jewish men under SA guard were marched to the city jail, following the Kristallnacht pogrom. Thousands of Jews were arrested on trumped up charges. By attacking the Jews, the Nazis hoped to pressure them to leave Germany. foto rv006- During the Kristallnacht campaign of terror which took place throughout the Reich, Jews were seized and forced to parade through Baden, carrying a Star of David that read, "God, do not abandon us."
foto rv007- The day after Kristallnacht, some 30,000 Jewish men were rounded up by the Nazis and deported to concentration camps. This particular group was deported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp
Jewish men being deported to Dachau concentration camp under the watchful eyes of the spectators, RegensburgHermann Goering, who was responsible for the implementation of the economic four - year plan, had made practical and legal preparations for the "Aryanization" (see arisierung) of Jewish property; other decrees and laws affected the Jews' public and personal status and increased their segregation from the general public. ************************************************ -Hermann Goering, che era il responsabile dell'incremento del piano quadriennale economico, fece le premesse pratiche e legali per "arianizzazione" delle proprieta' degli Ebrei; tutti gli altri decreti e leggi soffocavano lo status personale e pubblico degli ebrei, e aumentavano la loro segregazione dal resto dalla vita pubblica. -Hermann Goering - AL potere e dopo il suicidio dal sito:
As the major implementor of Hitler's war economy plan, Goering became very powerful. He was in charge of rearmament, reshaping the army as well as creating an independent, self-sufficient German economy. As the Prussian Minister of the Interior and later Prime Minister, Goering transformed the Gestapo (Prussian police intelligence) into a major Nazi instrument of oppression and terror. Goering was sentenced to death at Nuremberg for crimes against the peace, war crimes, as well as crimes against humanity. He committed suicide two hours before he was scheduled to be hanged Using administrative "infractions" committed by Jews and "unemployment" of Jews as pretexts, the gestapo and the SS under Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich launched massive arrests of Jews, who were imprisoned in the concentration camps of Dachau, Buchenwald, and Sachsenhausen. ******************************************** -Usando infrazioni "amministrative" commesse dagli Ebrei( c'erano mille divieti e proibizioni spesso l'una opposta all'altra) e, dal pretesto che gli ebrei erano disoccupati, la gestapo e le SS coodinate da Heinrich Himmler e Reinhard Heydrich, scatenarono massicci arresti di Ebrei, che venivano deportati nei campi di Dachau, Buchenwald, e Sachsenhausen. ************************************************
- H.Himmler - R.Heydrich
Beginning in July 1938, these camps were readied to receive an even greater number of Jews. Functionaries of the National Socialist party, the Gauleiter, and the SA (Sturmabteilung; Storm Troopers) instigated local assaults on Jewish businesses and synagogues. ************************************* - All'inizio del Luglio 1938, questi campi furono ristrutturati per ricevere un numero ancora maggiore di Ebrei. I funzionari nazi, il Gauleuter, e le SA (formazioni paramilitare nazi), istigarono in ogni luogo assalti alle sinagoghe e agli interessi degli Ebrei. ************************************************+ - il campo di concentramento di Dachau fonte:
Theodor Eicke; commandant of Dachau Close-up of Dachau prisoners at roll-call
In 1933, the Nazis sent anyone they considered to be an "enemy of the state" to Dachau. The harsh conditions there were designed to crush opposition through slave labor and starvationThe authorities increasingly took to coercing Jews to leave the German Reich, disregarding the obstacles to emigration that had become obvious through the meager results of the Evian conference. More and more individual Jews and entire groups were forcibly expelled, mainly from Austria and from Czechoslovakia after the latter had been truncated by the Munich conference. ***************************************************** - Le autorita' incrementarono le azioni di forza per costringere gli Ebrei a lasciare il Reich Germanico, by passando gli ostacoli all'emigrazione che erano il naturale risultato della conferenza di Evian. Moltissimi Ebrei singolarmente e a gruppi interi, furono espulsi forzatamente, dall'Austria e dalla Cecoslovacchia dopo che l'ultima era stata smembrata dalla conferenza di Monaco. ************************************************************** The catalytic development was the deportation of about 17,000 Polish Jews who were driven into a no - man's - land between the two countries on October 28, 1938, following a ploy of the Polish government intended to deprive Polish Jews of the right of return from countries under German rule. The greatest number of the deportees were left stranded near the border town of Zbaszyn. Herschel Grynszpan's parents were in this group, and news of their plight drove the desperate youth to his act of revenge. ************************************************ - Il risultato conseguente fu la deportazione di circa 17000 Ebrei Polacchi, che erano costretti in una "terra di nessuno" tra i due paesi il 28 Ottobre 1938, inseguito alla manovra del governo Polacco inteso a privare del diritto di rimpatrio gli Ebrei Polacchi provenienti dai paesi sotto il dominio Germanico. Il grande numero dei deportati fu lasciato ammassato vicino alla periferia di Zbaszyn. I genitori di Herschel Grynspan erano in questo gruppo, e le notizie della loro odissea, fecero da miccia al suo disperato gesto di vendetta. ***************************************************
Instigating of the Riots.
Following his shooting of vom Rath on November 7, an inflammatory editorial appeared in the Volkischer Beobachter, the official Nazi organ, and sporadic anti - Jewish rioting started on November 8. On the afternoon of November 9, vom Rath died. The same evening, Joseph Goebbels harangued the "old fighters" of the party who had gathered in Munich at their annual commemoration of Hitler's abortive putsch of November 8 and 9, 1923. ************************************************+ - Incitamento al pogrom In seguito all’agguato di vom Rath il 7.11, un’infiammato editoriale apparve sul Volkischer Beobachter, l’organo ufficiale dei Nazi, e sparse aggressioni anti-Ebrei cominciarono l’8.11. Nel pomeriggio del 9, vom Rath mori’. La stessa sera Joseph Goebbles arringo’ “i vecchi combattenti “ del partito che si erano riuniti a Monaco durante il loro annuale raduno per commemorare il fallito putch di Hitler, dell’ 8 9 novembre 1923. ********************************************* - Joseph Goebbles al potere e dopo il suicidio dal sito : Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) was Nazi Minister of Propaganda and public information from 1933. Through the media, he spread lies and anti-Semitism, gaining support of the masses. He saw the Jews as the enemy of the people, and instigated the Kristallnacht pogrom in November 1938. As Nazi Germany collapsed in 1945, he and his family committed suicide[center] Upon Germany's defeat, Goebbels and his wife committed suicide after first killing their six children. The Soviet occupiers of Berlin discovered the burned remains in Hitler's bunker.**************************************************** Apparently with Hitler's consent, Goebbels hinted that this was the hour for action against the Jews. That night, instructions were conveyed to all parts of the country. In accordance with the orders, the crowds were encouraged by the SA to participate in the atmosphere of outrage. Mass frenzy broke out: synagogues were destroyed and burned, shop windows of Jewish - owned stores were shattered, the shattered glass covering the sidewalks, and the demolished stores were looted. Jewish homes were assaulted, and in many places Jews were physically attacked. About 30,000 Jews -- especially those who were influential and wealthy -- were arrested, often with the help of previously prepared lists, and were thrown into the three above - mentioned concentration camps, where they were treated with great cruelty by the SS. This was the first time that riots against the Jews of Germany had been organized on such an extensive scale, accompanied by mass detention. Though the violent onslaught was officially terminated on November 10, in many places it continued for several more days. In Austria it started only on the morning of November 10 but was especially fierce; arrests were widespread, and 4,600 Viennese Jews were among those sent to Dachau. Heydrich's Orders for Arrests. Heydrich's orders for the arrests were dispatched to the state police and the SS only after midnight, when the action was already in full swing. Heydrich, together with Himmler and Goering (who had not been present at the Munich celebration), were taken by surprise by Goebbels's initiative. Himmler ordered the SS to remain in their billets and not to take part in the rioting, while Heydrich forbade looting, but to no avail. Heydrich's Provisional Assessment. In a provisional assessment, Heydrich reported to Goering on November 11 that 815 shops, 29 department stores, and 171 dwellings of Jews had been burned or otherwise destroyed, and that 267 synagogues were set ablaze or completely demolished (in fact, this was only a fraction of the number of synagogues actually destroyed). The same report refers to thirty - six Jews killed and the same number severely injured, but later it was officially stated that the number killed was ninety - one; in addition, hundreds perished in the concentration camps. Administrative and Legal Orders. The pogrom was followed by administrative and legal orders issued with a fourfold object: to complete the process of "Aryanization" to the benefit of the government's disrupted revenues; to expedite the Jews' emigration; to isolate the Jews completely from the general population; and to abolish the still quasi - autonomous organization of the Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden (the representative body of German Jewry) and other official Jewish institutions. These proposed developments were inaugurated at a representative meeting on November 12 called and presided over by Goering, who announced that Hitler had charged him with the implementation of the Reich's Jewish policy. In the ensuing discussion, the damage to Jewish property was estimated at several hundred million reichsmarks, and the insurance payments due to owners of 7,500 demolished stores came to 25 million reichsmarks. Economic Measures. Decisions taken on economic issues included a fine of one billion reichsmarks imposed on the Jewish community under the pretext of reparation for the murder of vom Rath, and confiscation by the state of the insurance payments, while at the same time making the Jewish store owners liable for the repairs. "Aryanization" was to be implemented along the lines already practiced by Hans Fischbock, the Austrian minister of commerce. On Heydrich's suggestion, it was decided to coordinate the Jews' emigration through aZentralstelle fur Judische aus Wanderung (Central Office for Jewish Emigration) to be established in Germany along the lines of the one developed by Adolf Eichmann in Austria. Some of the economic measures were announced the same day; additional steps, including those aimed at undermining the Jews' status, were promulgated during the following months. The Kristallnacht prisoners surviving in the concentration camps were released early in 1939 for immediate emigration or for the "Aryanization" of their property, often for both. Reaction in the Free World. The sharp reaction to the Kristallnacht outrage that was expressed by the Western press and public did not affect the Nazis. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt recalled the United States ambassador, Hugh Wilson, as a protest and declared his deep shock, the German ambassador in the United States was recalled home as well, because of "American interference in internal German affairs." Public pressure did, however, force most of the western European governments to admit more refugees, especially children. A Turning Point. Goering, who had persuaded Hitler to put him in charge, now handled the Reich's Jewish policy together with Himmler, and Goebbels's aspirations to play a decisive part were thus thwarted. The methods of the SS and of the SD under Heydrich became policy. While this conclusion about the result of the outbreak is generally accepted, historians differ in their opinions about its cause. Some hold that Goebbels exploited circumstances by improvisation, and others maintain that the assault was premeditated; probably both methods were involved. In any case, Kristallnacht was a turning point. It was the Nazis' first experience of large - scale anti - Jewish violence, and opened the way to the complete eradication of the Jews' position in Germany. ......continua -(traduzione "libera" - si accettano aiuti!)
mrcll Edited by - marcello ravasio on 17/11/2004 12:10:49