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La lapidazione delle donne in Iran

Stampato da : Concerto di Sogni
Stampato il: 07/03/2025


Autore Tema: Roberto Mahlab
Oggetto: La lapidazione delle donne in Iran
Inserito il: 08/07/2010 20:22:14

Riportiamo con convinzione l'appello della scrittrice Marina Nemat, scrittrice iraniana esule in Canada, autrice del libro “Prigioniera di Teheran” – ).

Una sua conoscente, Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, accusata di adulterio in Iran, sta per essere uccisa mediante lapidazione.

Marina invita ad aderire ad un appello al seguente link, per chiedere che Sakineh sia risparmiata:


The Imminent Stoning of a Woman Named Sakineh in Iran! Please Speak Out!

Dear friends:

A forty-two-year-old Iranian mother, Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, has been convicted of adultery while being married and has been sentenced to death by stoning. As family members of Sakineh have reported, she was originally convicted of adultery in 2006 and received ninety-nine lashes as punishment. Then, recently, her case was reopened and the judge decided to sentence her to stoning.

Heather Reisman wrote to me yesterday, saying that she was launching a website for Sakineh and writing a letter to Iranian authorities. I immediately got on board. The website is now up and running. Please share the link with all your contacts and sign the petition on the site. International pressure can save this woman's life. Wouldn't you want someone to stand up for you if you were in Sakineh's place?

Here's the link:

With many thanks,


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