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My Dream

Stampato da : Concerto di Sogni
Stampato il: 22/12/2024


Autore Tema: Rebecca Neale
Oggetto: My Dream
Inserito il: 07/08/2004 15:32:47

My Dream

I had a dream last night
I came out of the darkness
And into the light
Finally it became clear to me
I understood the meaning of the journey

Why can’t life be more like my dream?
Why can’t I explain how I feel?
Why can’t you touch me and see what I am?
I want you to be able to understand.

Why do I sleep to hide from my fears?
What will it take to dry up my tears?
In that dream I have to see
That my future is bright
If I want it to be.

By Rebecca Neale

Concerto di Sogni :

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